Living in Increase (Part 11) - Increase in Joyنمونہ

Living in Increase (Part 11) - Increase in Joy

5 دن 35 میں سے

Walk with Him

Everything we’ve learned about gaining a positive attitude means little without a relationship with God. Psalm 34:8 is a great Scripture to meditate on for keeping a positive attitude, but what does it mean?

Refuge means “shelter or protection from danger or distress.” In other words, refuge means finding comfort in something when something terrible is happening. When you are stressed, frustrated, angry, or anxious, what brings you comfort? Some people take comfort in food or shopping, some escape into a good book or movie, and others look to drinking for comfort. All of these things may offer a few moments of comfort, but not one of them actually protects us. In fact, they do the opposite--they make us more vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks.

Instead of looking to “stuff” for comfort and protection, let’s “taste and see” God. Rejoice with God in the good times, but also seek God in times of trouble; find out He is good, and you will be blessed. Joy increases in our hearts when we know and walk with God!

Monica Barnes

Action Step: Say this prayer: “Lord, thank You for loving me and wanting a relationship with me. I will seek You out when I am distressed, and I know You will be my comfort and protection. Thank You for helping me shift my thoughts and speech to positive ones. Please help me choose forgiveness over bitterness. Help me surround myself with others who seek You first and let positivity lead them. Thank You for increasing my joy! Amen.”

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