Living in Increase (Part 11) - Increase in Joyنمونہ

Forgiveness is Key
Did you know that several studies have shown that forgiving others can improve mental, physical, and spiritual health (Worthington, Jr.)? I love it when science backs up biblical truth.
There is a saying that “time heals all wounds,” which is not true. When we don’t forgive someone for hurting us, it stays with us until we deal with it. We carry it around with us, and that hurt becomes embedded into the fibers of our being--our soul. We become compromised because that hurt has become a trust issue, fear, or self-consciousness.
It is challenging to have a positive attitude when you’re holding onto anger toward yourself and others. Holding onto unforgiveness breeds negativity in your mind and body, which can present itself through stress, anxiety, and depression.
Today, I challenge you to search your mind and heart for negative feelings. If you find some, try to pinpoint why you have those feelings. For instance, if you’re self-conscious about your singing voice, is it because someone told you when you were five that you couldn’t carry a tune? Sometimes, the source of our fear stems from a hurt we swept under the rug.
If someone has hurt you, forgive them. This forgiveness will bless you more than the person you’re forgiving. They don’t even need to know you’ve forgiven them. In fact, they probably have no idea they hurt you so deeply. By forgiving others and letting go of bitterness, rage, brawling, slander, and malice, your mind will have more room for positivity.
Monica Barnes
Action Step: Pray and ask God to help you forgive those who have hurt you.
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Are you ready to increase in joy? Join us for this 35-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.