The Faith of a Warrior Wifeنمونہ

Today, I invite you to waive a white flag and surrender to God in your marriage.
So many things make their way into the average marriage. Life together can often pull us apart. Days can seem like minefields full of in-laws, children, finances, traditions, and more. “Two shall become one” can sometimes feel like a battlefield. Caught in the crossfire are two imperfect people exhausted by the natural tendency to cling to their own perspective.
We often spend so much energy battling our husbands that we forget the real enemy lives outside of our homes. What if we could learn to see our challenges (big and small) as enemy attacks that need to come under the direction of our commanding officer, God? Instead of waging war in our own homes, we could surrender to God, allowing Him to lead us toward real victory. Instead of rushing to the fight, we pause and look to God for guidance, perspective, and wisdom.
Lamentations 3:25 says, “The Lord is good to those who wait for him” (ESV). That is a promise worth surrendering to. I want the Lord’s goodness in my marriage, so I need to wait for Him. Waiting can be hard, annoying, and even heartbreaking. But, my trust in God must lead my heart to wait on His sovereignty. Our unmet expectations all seem so urgent and powerful. But God says: Wait for me; I have a battle plan that leads to peace.
When we surrender to Christ, we can trust in His goodness. Psalm 37:3 says, “Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper” (NLT). If I learn to let God lead and set my heart to do good, I can count on Him to keep me safe and help me thrive. So much of life is not knowing what’s next. But nothing surprises God. He knows what’s coming. He knows us, our husbands, and every weapon the enemy will use to divide us. He is able to lead us toward peace and protection if we are willing to surrender to his leadership.
Recognize the mines in your marriage. They can be internal (pride and impatience) or external (kids and finances). Either way, the enemy is waiting to see where you’ll step.
Trust God. He knows the way through the minefield. Trade in self-reliance for God’s ever-loving leadership. Surrender to the faithful goodness of the Waymaker.
Talk about it: Think of one battle you need to wave a white flag of surrender over. What is one way you can surrender to Christ in this present battle?
مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

A wife needs to be a warrior in a battle for her marriage. Let’s arm ourselves with the unchanging truth of God’s Word and allow Him to equip us, strengthen us, and lead us into marriages that reflect His goodness. We need to think like warriors, talk like warriors, and pray like warriors. This 5-day devotion was written by author, Debbi Garcia.