The Faith of a Warrior Wifeنمونہ

Now that we’ve set our minds to think like a warrior and seek intimacy with God, let’s talk about commitment. Marriage, by definition, requires commitment. But, what if I told you that you need to be more committed to God than you are to loving your husband? We've all heard someone say, "I just don't love him anymore." Marriage takes more than love because sometimes love fades. When exhaustion sets in, our commitment to God can keep our marriages strong.
Days will come when we just don’t feel like putting in the effort. When they do, our faith can keep us strong. When we feel like fighting to get our way, we need to remember to “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need” (Matthew 6:33, NLT).
Did you hear that? Seek God first—not my opinion, my feelings, or my right to be right. God is what we need. When we seek Him first, and live righteously (more on that tomorrow), He will give us everything we need.
Everything we need to be the wives He calls us to be.
Everything we need to apologize when we don’t want to.
Everything we need to hold our tongues when we feel like yelling.
Everything we need to keep fighting with faith when we feel like giving up.
Everything we need.
When we learn to seek God first, we begin to understand how He fights for us, in us, and through us. 2 Chronicles 20:17 says, “Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory” (NLT).
This verse lays an incredible battle plan before us.
- Take your position: firmly planted in the Lord’s strength and righteousness.
- Stand still: with hands lifted in praise and head bowed in prayer.
- Watch the Lord’s victory: it’s about God’s glory.
Let your commitment to God be the strength of your day. Love is so much more than a feeling. Love is an action. Love requires grit. Love depends on faith. Love puts God in the lead.
If we stay committed to God, our marriages stand a fighting chance to not just survive but to thrive. Let’s follow Christ, stay in His presence, and watch how He can gain ground on our behalf. We need to fight with faith until we see the glory of the Lord right in the middle of the battlefield.
Talk about it: What is an area of your marriage you could seek God first in?
مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

A wife needs to be a warrior in a battle for her marriage. Let’s arm ourselves with the unchanging truth of God’s Word and allow Him to equip us, strengthen us, and lead us into marriages that reflect His goodness. We need to think like warriors, talk like warriors, and pray like warriors. This 5-day devotion was written by author, Debbi Garcia.