The Faith of a Warrior Wifeنمونہ

The Faith of a Warrior Wife

1 دن 5 میں سے

A wife needs to be a warrior.
Because marriage is a battle.

Don’t misunderstand; this isn’t a jab at marriage. Consider it a call to arms. Sister, I know how easy it is to forget the battle isn’t against your husband. As wives, we need to shift our focus on the daily faith-fight to be more and more like Christ.

Ephesians 6:16 says, “In every battle, you will need faith as your shield to stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan” (TLB).

As we step onto the battlefield, let’s train ourselves to fight the true enemy of our families. We have an adversary who seeks to get us stuck in the messiness of marriage. He understands that some of his greatest weapons are our emotions, expectations, exhaustion, and environments. The enemy knows that when we feel weak, he has a chance to gain ground in his plan to destroy our homes.

But God is the author of marriage, and nothing can change that. His plan is not outdated or obsolete. He alone truly knows what it should look like and who it should point to.

So, let God’s voice script your wifehood. Listen to 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is enough to cover and sustain you. My power is made perfect in weakness” (Voice). With His strength, we can rise up and fight.

We cannot forget that marriage was designed in the garden but lived in the world. We can expect conflict and confusion. From the beginning, the enemy has sought to divide us. Our faith should surround us like armor. Lift your shield, put it at the front and center of your heart and attitude. Let faith guard you against resentment, disappointment, frustration, and impatience.

My challenge for you (and for me) is to return to God. Remember God’s plan. Put Him first in our marriages. Allow His truth to be the one thing we cling to. Then, we can learn the art of fighting for our marriages in a way that will strengthen us and open our eyes to God in a powerful way.

Let’s begin to think like warriors, talk like warriors, and pray like warriors. Let’s arm ourselves with the unchanging truth of God’s Word. Let’s sit in the war room face-to-face with God and allow Him to equip us, strengthen us, and lead us into marriages that reflect His goodness.

Boots on.
Faith First.
It’s time to fight the good fight.

Talk about it: What is one practical way you can lift your shield of faith in your marriage?

دِن 2

مطالعاتی منصوبہ کا تعارف

The Faith of a Warrior Wife

A wife needs to be a warrior in a battle for her marriage. Let’s arm ourselves with the unchanging truth of God’s Word and allow Him to equip us, strengthen us, and lead us into marriages that reflect His goodness. We need to think like warriors, talk like warriors, and pray like warriors. This 5-day devotion was written by author, Debbi Garcia.
