Worship Team DevosЗразок

Worship Team Devos

ДЕНЬ 6 З 27


The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord. Job 1:21


It's easy to praise God when life is good. But what if you lost absolutely everything you hold dear? Your family, your finances, your health, and your friendships. That was Job's story. God let Satan take everything from Job. How would you respond? Job's wife tells him to "curse God and die". Most people would probably choose that response. But not Job. Job knew that everything comes from God's hand. Every experience we have is allowed by a good and loving God. There are happy days and there are hard days...but for the child of God, even the hard days are not "bad" because God works all things together for our good. That's why Job chose to continue praising God.

Discussion Questions

1. What is your usual response when life gets hard?

2. Why do you think we have a "hard time" praising God in the "hard times"?

3. What is the most difficult thing you’ve ever walked through? How did God show up for you there?

4. Any other thoughts, comments, ideas or questions you'd like to share?

Closing Prayer

Lord, forgive us. We are so quick to complain when things don't go our way. We want life to be comfortable and easy, but you never promised that to us. We live in a world broken and marred by sin. Help us to realize that even through the darkest valleys, you are with us. Your rod and your staff, they comfort and guide us. Thank you that you will never leave us or forsake us, and that you will lead us into your eternal paradise. Thank you that you work even the hard things for our good. Help us to choose to praise you at all times. Amen.


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Worship Team Devos

Want to go deeper in your understanding of worship and God? Or want to lead a group of people to go deeper? These devotions are designed for just that! Each devotion comes with a scripture, a summary, discussion questions, and a closing prayer.
