Worship Team DevosЗразок

Worship Team Devos

ДЕНЬ 9 З 27


He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. Colossians 1:15-17


Sometimes we underestimate Jesus' power. He didn't just calm a storm or walk on water. He created both! Colossians tells us that everything in the entire universe was created by Jesus. From the Rocky Mountains to the rings of Saturn. From the farthest flung galaxy to super-massive black holes. Angels and spiritual superpowers were created at the word of His command and belong to Him. Not only did He create everything... He is sustaining and holding it all together right now. If Jesus let go, everything in the physical and spiritual realms would crumble to nothing. We have our being in His being. He is the great I am. We exist off of His eternal existence. We belong to Him.

Discussion Questions

1. What is something you learned or were reminded of from this lesson?

2. What sort of response should this truth ignite in us?

3. Has your worship of Christ been too tame? Too small? Explain.

4. Any other thoughts, comments, ideas or questions you'd like to share?

Closing Prayer

Jesus, you are glorious in power. Forgive us that we have made you small and safe. You are unfathomable. The entire universe is held together in your mighty power. Teach us to tremble before you and rightly fear your Name. Thank you for how incredibly you have created the cosmos. Thank you for your perfect, beautiful and intricate designs. Thank you for giving us life and letting us experience all that is. We worship you, Jesus. We love you. Help us to use our lives to honor you. We ask in your Name and for your glory. Amen.

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Worship Team Devos

Want to go deeper in your understanding of worship and God? Or want to lead a group of people to go deeper? These devotions are designed for just that! Each devotion comes with a scripture, a summary, discussion questions, and a closing prayer.
