Worship Team DevosЗразок

Worship Team Devos

ДЕНЬ 2 З 27


I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Romans 12:1


Worship has nothing to do with music. Worship is our whole lives, dedicated to bringing God glory. In view of His mercies (He ransomed us), we offer our whole selves back to Him to be used as obedient vessels to serve and honor Him. That is worship! We worship God when we tell the truth, when we flee from sin, when we serve others, when we give generously, when we care for the needy, when we sacrifice for the good of the church, when we do our job with excellence, when we submit our sexuality to God's design, and when we trust God when things don't make sense. Worship is a whole-life endeavor.

Discussion Questions

1. Have you had too narrow of a view of worship? If so, explain.

2. What is one thing you learned or were reminded of from this devo?

3. How is telling the truth worship? How is submitting our sexuality to God worship?

4. Any other thoughts, comments, ideas or questions you'd like to share?

Closing Prayer

Lord God, you ransomed us from our way of death. You pulled us out of the miry pit and set our feet upon the Rock. You saved us from an eternity separated from you. You did all the work. We belong to you now. Use our entire lives for your glory and for your purposes in the world. Fulfill your purposes and plans for each one of us. Help us to honor you in every aspect of our lives. We want to live to bring you glory. Help us by your Holy Spirit's power. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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Worship Team Devos

Want to go deeper in your understanding of worship and God? Or want to lead a group of people to go deeper? These devotions are designed for just that! Each devotion comes with a scripture, a summary, discussion questions, and a closing prayer.
