Thru the Gospel of John Зразок

Thru the Gospel of John

ДЕНЬ 8 З 21

Scribbling in the sand.

Imagine the scene: The Lord is sitting in the temple, teaching. From the corner of the temple mount there’s an uproar. Everyone turns to see what’s going on. Some religious rulers drag in a half-dressed, disheveled woman through the gate. They throw her in front of Jesus, shouting, “This woman was caught in adultery; in the very act” (vers 4). This is cruel to the woman and a trap to catch Jesus. 

They think they’re posing an unanswerable dilemma to Jesus, asking, “The law of Moses says she should be stoned. What do you say?” (v. 5). They think they’re tempting Jesus to contradict Moses.

The Lord knew what they were doing. So He countered their question with a surprise—He stooped down and wrote on the ground.

What did our Lord write in the dirt? We don’t know. He then stood up and said, “Now, if you’re without sin you go ahead and throw a stone.” 

The older leaders left first, because they had more sense than the younger ones. Eventually, Jesus is the only one left “qualified” as one without sin who could throw a stone at her. He asks her instead, “Woman, where are your accusers? Has no one condemned you? … Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more” (vs. 10, 11). Jesus wasn’t going soft on adultery; in His kindness, He’s giving her a chance to repent.

In the Gospel of John, when Jesus says, “I AM,” He’s telling us about God. Right after this conversation, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (v. 12).

Jesus just exposed the sin of the scribes and Pharisees who brought the guilty woman to Him. They were just as guilty as her, and they had to run. Jesus just turned on the light, and sin and rats and bats and bedbugs cannot stand the light! 

Some believed Jesus as He stood up against the religious leaders (v. 30). To these people, Jesus offered this encouragement: “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (vs. 31, 32).

What is the truth that will make us free? That Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. He is who He said He is.

Next, we’ll meet a man like us.

Question: Which of the people in this story do you identify with? The woman? The religious leaders? The disciples? Why? 

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Thru the Gospel of John

Come sit at the feet of the last living disciple of Jesus. The Apostle John walked and talked with Jesus and he never forgot it. In your own personal journey, discover new things about Jesus you’ll never forget. Everything John writes is meant to help Jesus’ followers grow in their faith. This is one of the greatest books of the Bible! Experience it for yourself for the next 21 days.
