Thru the Gospel of John Зразок

Thru the Gospel of John

ДЕНЬ 10 З 21

Jesus as Massiah and Shepherd.

From our last lesson, we know that the religious leaders were picking a fight with Jesus, and they rejected Him as Messiah. Now He explains His credentials—why we can trust Him as our Savior. 

Using the picture of a sheepfold, Jesus says to the religious leaders that He came in by the door, making Him the shepherd of the sheep. Others climb in some other way, but He came in legally and in an orderly manner. 

He came in to fulfill Old Testament prophecy: 

  • He was born in Bethlehem in the line of David. 
  • He was born of a virgin.
  • He was born under the Law in the fullness of time (Galatians 4:4) to fulfill the Law.

No one else could have fulfilled prophecy as He did because no one else had His credentials. The proofs of who He is are His teaching, His life and His miracles. 

Not only that, but Jesus was welcomed by the doorkeeper, the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ did everything through His power. 

Jesus also said, “and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.” In John 9, the religious leaders rejected Jesus as Messiah. They didn’t hear His voice. But millions have heard Jesus and, leaving all, follow Him. 

Jesus also said, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep”. This is one of the most wonderful metaphors used in Scripture. He is the Good Shepherd, yet He is also “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Jesus as a lamb emphasizes His humanity. Jesus as the Good Shepherd emphasizes His deity. He alone is worthy and able to save. No other human being could have; He had to be God. 

We are called to follow the Shepherd. “My sheep,” Jesus said, “hear My voice and follow Me”. Obedience is what brands a sheep’s ownership. If you want to know whether a person is saved or not, look at His relationship with the Savior. Are they following Him? Do they obey Him? 

To His sheep, Jesus gives eternal life. They don’t earn it; He gives it. And it’s for forever. He gives to us eternal life, and we’ll never perish. Our Shepherd said He won’t lose any of us. If you were to get lost, He’s going out to get you and bring you back in.

Next, what does Jesus feel when we are grieving?  

Question: How would you describe what it’s like to hear Jesus’ voice?

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Thru the Gospel of John

Come sit at the feet of the last living disciple of Jesus. The Apostle John walked and talked with Jesus and he never forgot it. In your own personal journey, discover new things about Jesus you’ll never forget. Everything John writes is meant to help Jesus’ followers grow in their faith. This is one of the greatest books of the Bible! Experience it for yourself for the next 21 days.
