Remember Me, Lord!Зразок

Remember Me, Lord!

ДЕНЬ 5 З 7

God’s Promises

“BUT YOU PROMISED!”  Picture a 6-year-old yelling that when his parents don’t take him to the park like they said they would.  Can you identify with that? 

Promise is a word that gets thrown into conversations a lot. Unfortunately, we make promises and don’t keep them.  But thank goodness God is not like that.  If He makes a promise to you, He will keep it – ALWAYS!

Remember the song Father Abraham, had many sons?  The story behind the song starts with a promise. God made a promise to Abraham to create a nation out of him, yet at the time, Abraham and his wife, Sarah, had no kids.  Today, scholars call this promise the Abrahamic Covenant.  Abraham may have not known how or when these promises from God would come to pass, but they did.

So fast-forward hundreds of years to Abraham’s descendants living in slavery in Egypt.  They were crying out to God and it looked like that promise of becoming a great nation would never happen.  However, Exodus 2: 24 – 25 says:

“God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them.”

We never hear a “remember me” prayer recorded in this story, but it’s safe to assume the Israelites were begging God to remember them. So God acted on His promise and delivered them from slavery to start their journey to their promised land.  Thousands of years later, God kept that promise to Abraham in the form of the nation of Israel.

As you spend time with God, remember his promises to you.  It’s all right to remind Him of them.  There are thousands of promises in the Bible. Here are some promises to encourage you today:

  • Nothing can separate you from the love of God.
  • God will never leave nor forsake you.
  • You don’t need to fear because God is with you.
  • The Lord will fight for you.
  • God won’t withhold anything good from those whose walk is blameless.


1.  Has someone made you a promise that they did not keep?  How did that make you feel?

2.  What did you learn about God and His promises from these passages?

3.  Is there a promise that God has given you?

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Про цей план

Remember Me, Lord!

Have you ever felt forgotten by God? Need encouragement that He’ll help you with your greatest need? This 7-day study spotlights the stories of Bible heroes who begged God to remember them with favor, mercy, healing, forgiveness and more. Each prayed, “Remember me, Lord!” And He acted on their behalf.
