Remember Me, Lord!Зразок

Remember Me, Lord!

ДЕНЬ 2 З 7

My Heart’s Desire

“Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head.”

1 Samuel 1:11

This was the desperate prayer of Hannah, a Jewish woman who couldn’t have children, but it was her greatest desire. To make matters worse, her husband, Elkanah, married a second wife named Peninnah in hopes of having children, and she had plenty of them. But what seems most troubling is that the Bible says the Lord Himself closed Hannah’s womb.  

Have you ever had something you desperately wanted but just didn’t seem to receive it?  Is there a heart’s desire that isn’t being fulfilled on your timeline or schedule? That was Hannah’s reality.  This was a desperate situation.  In her society, women were disgraced if they couldn’t have kids. 

Hannah earnestly prayed and prayed for years asking for a child.  But in her “remember me” prayer, this time she was willing to sacrifice her greatest desire. She vowed she’d give her child to the Lord for all the days of his life.  Could it be that this surrender is what prompted the Lord to act on her behalf? 

You may have a need or desire just as desperate as Hannah did.  As you cry out to God about your need, consider having open hands and a surrendered heart. Many times, He gives you above and beyond what you ask, as he did with Hannah.  She gave birth to Samuel who later became a powerful prophet in Israel. And to top that, the Lord gave her five more children after Samuel.  

For bonus reading, check out Hannah’s prayer of praise in 1 Samuel 2. Even though we may go a very long time and not see any change in our impossible situations, with God all things are possible!


1.  Have you ever desperately sought God for a need or desire?  What happened?

2.  Have you fully surrendered your heart’s desire to God, including the outcome?

3.  What can you learn from Hannah during your delays?

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Про цей план

Remember Me, Lord!

Have you ever felt forgotten by God? Need encouragement that He’ll help you with your greatest need? This 7-day study spotlights the stories of Bible heroes who begged God to remember them with favor, mercy, healing, forgiveness and more. Each prayed, “Remember me, Lord!” And He acted on their behalf.
