Taste and See: Exploring God's Goodnessตัวอย่าง

Taste and See: Exploring God's Goodness

วันที่ 4 จาก 6

God’s Love Is Good

We just want to be loved, don’t we?

Loved with an unending, unyielding, unwavering, and tender love that comes through for us in heroic and familiar ways.

You may have sought this love through distorted sources: people who don’t stick around, addictions to self-soothe loneliness, even through what you do and where you place your identity. And each source has fallen significantly short because none of them will fill you like Jesus can.

God is love. He has your best in mind, and everything He does, He does in love. 

God’s love is right. He does nothing out of selfish ambition but gives Himself completely.

Disregard your human way of thinking and shift your heart to how He loves. 

He came in the middle of the mess to save. His plan for salvation is so good, far beyond what we could envision. Jesus turned our world upside down, and that is an incredibly good thing. God gave His only Son to stretch out on the cross and cover our sins, to forever bridge the gap that sin had created.

God’s love is tender yet strong, resilient and steady. We can put our every hope in Him.

When others scatter and flee, God remains steadfast. His very character is love. All we do stems from His very being of love. It is pure. Unselfish. Everlasting. Consuming. Full of truth and light. It is saving and knows no wrongs. He has you. Out of His great love for you, He hems you in and rejoices over you with song. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned. When you go through high waters, you will not be swept away. His love buoys you and enables you to scale the heights.

Let Him love you. He longs to be gracious to you far beyond what you can fathom.

Where do you need God’s love to meet you today? 

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Taste and See: Exploring God's Goodness

What does God’s goodness look like? This six-day plan walks you through aspects of God’s character that shape the way you see Him and will help you learn to look for His goodness in your life. No good thing does He withhold from His children; it’s time to uncover His goodness for you.
