Taste and See: Exploring God's Goodnessตัวอย่าง

Taste and See: Exploring God's Goodness

วันที่ 3 จาก 6

God’s Faithfulness Is Good

Look back on your life. What do you see? A cluster of random events that look like they have no connection to each other? Or a million little strands that are woven together in a meaningful tapestry? However you see it, look closer. Find God’s fingerprints all over the marks of your life.

Throughout human history, God’s faithfulness has remained consistent. He willingly commits Himself to us, knowing that we will break His heart. Yet, He chooses us and chooses to stay by our side. We have strayed and abandoned Him for our own desires, yet He keeps His covenant of love.

Don’t for a minute get caught in the lie that God won’t be there. Never will He leave you nor forsake you. He is with you always and has engraved you on the palm of His hand. He is merciful and righteous. His faithfulness reaches to the skies. He is faithful and true. Never once has He failed His people. You can live in confidence that God has your back and best in mind.

In your heart, haven’t you desired a commitment that would always be true? One that would always love you no matter what, stay by your side and remain constant? Jesus is that constant, the One who stands by your side and even intercedes to God the Father on your behalf. 

When the world threatens to turn its back on you, turn to Jesus. When others move away, He comes to you, right in the middle of your day. It’s who He is, and you can count on that certainty. He is full of compassion and rich in mercy. He sees your heart and feels your pain. He is not distant. He is closer than you know. 

Even in the smallest moments, if you look closely enough, you’ll see His fingerprints. Keep looking.

How have you experienced God’s faithfulness in your life?  

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Taste and See: Exploring God's Goodness

What does God’s goodness look like? This six-day plan walks you through aspects of God’s character that shape the way you see Him and will help you learn to look for His goodness in your life. No good thing does He withhold from His children; it’s time to uncover His goodness for you.
