Seven Days to Change the World: A Prayer Journey for the NationsНамуна

Antarctica is the world's southernmost continent resting in the Antarctic Circle and surrounded by the Southern Ocean. With 14 million square kilometers (5.4 million square miles) of area, it's the 5th largest continent. Almost 98% of the continent is covered by ice 1 mile thick, which certainly makes for harsh terrain that has little established population. In 2016, the highest population recorded during the year was just over 4,000. It has 250 permanent residents.
Declaration Prayer for Antarctica:
Father, I thank You that You love every person in the world and You are not willing that even one should perish. So, I want to share in Your heart to see every person come home by declaring Your unconditional love for Antarctica today. Father, I ask that Your Kingdom would come and Your will would be done in Antarctica and I pray that every person who lives there, would encounter a fresh revelation of Your amazing love for them in Christ today. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.
What Does God Require Of You?
As we conclude this week, be mindful of the word in Micah "What does the Lord require of you".
There are so many demands and expectations in this life, from family, work, church, etc. But what is it that God requires of you? Take some time and ponder this; ask God to show you His will and to give you the grace and favour to walk into it.
As we close this week of praying for the nations let’s remember the persecuted church; let's lift these organisations, churches, and people wherever they are to God.
6 Prayers For The Persecuted Church:
- Prayer for protection; Dear God, be with all those Christians who are forced to hide their faith for their safety. Protect them, and keep them safe from those who seek to harm them. Give them wisdom and courage as they work to protect themselves, their families, and other Christians within their community. Protect each of them from violence, from arrest, and from all other kinds of persecution that they face. Amen.
- Prayer for church leaders; Dear God, thank you for those who are leading churches in secret across the world. Give them the wisdom, patience, and guidance needed to remain hidden from authorities, ensuring that they can continue in their ministry. We ask that they receive the training, support, and Biblical knowledge needed to lead their churches closer to you. Give them passion, and courage, as they lead their churches through such dangerous circumstances. Help their churches to thrive. Amen.
- Prayer for those who persecute; Dear God, we pray for those who persecute Christians, because of their faith. We pray that you will work in their hearts, from foot soldiers to country leaders. Reveal to them the truth about your love, your majesty, and all that you have done for mankind so that they will come to know you and will turn away from their past acts of persecution. Bring them to a place where they can feel compassion, and repent for their sinful actions, releasing Christians from persecution. Amen.
- Prayer for charities; Dear God, thank you for the charities and organisations who are working to serve the persecuted Church around the world. Bless their work, protect all those who put themselves in dangerous situations to share the good news of Jesus, and to support secret churches and Christians around the world. Help their work to continue in safety, and give them wisdom and guidance in the best ways to serve Christians in each country. Amen.
- Prayer for the imprisoned; Dear God, we pray for each person who has been imprisoned for their faith. Protect them, keep them safe, and keep them healthy and strong throughout their imprisonment. Bring them strength, courage, and hope for the future; help them to maintain their faith and continue to worship and serve you, sharing your love with those around them. Amen.
- Prayer for growth; Dear God, above all we pray for the growth of your kingdom in every country around the world. Even in persecution and danger, give people the strength and courage to continue sharing your good news with those around them. Work in the hearts of non-believers and draw them to yourself, and the existing secret church communities. Help churches to continue to grow, and to thrive both in numbers and in faith. Help them to trust in you and to continue to work to know you better. Amen.
About this Plan

The Lord has commanded us to "Go" into all nations and preach the gospel. Our commission to go to 'Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world (Acts 1:8)' is not a sequential but a simultaneous responsibility. Therefore, we will take up the challenge to pray for the nations through one week. We've included the "Seven Mountain of Influence Prayer Guide" at the beginning for those new to prayer, and a Sample General Prayer for Nations and Continents. You will find a prayer guide for each continent with daily personal devotionals.