Seven Days to Change the World: A Prayer Journey for the NationsНамуна

- Population: 4,679,660,580
- 48 Countries
- The largest continent with 30% of the landmass and 60% of its population.
- Christians: 8.83% Evangelicals 3.5%
- Major religious groups: Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Daoism, Animists.
- Largest religion: Islam - 26.4% 1.1 billion.
- 26 Countries with Muslim majority with a high level of persecution against Christians.
- Hindus: 950 million.Violent opposition to Christian ministries by Extreme Hindu groups.
- Buddhists: 470-920 million.Reacting to Christian ministries in Buddhist nations.
- Associated with ethnic religions Daoism, Shintoism, Shamanism, and others are the majority in 13 Asian countries.
Beyond Your First Love
Paul undoubtedly had a heart for Asia and he certainly impacted that region. However, God had wider plans, plans that would change the world. Paul had to be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit and tear himself away from his first love; "Asia" and be open to receiving a new passion. Pray today that God softens your heart and that you also will be open and willing to be led into the new and great things of God.
Prayer Points:
- The Church in Asia is stagnant in many places. Countless churches are a generation or two removed from the mission work that had been started in them, and now they are poorly institutionalised. They need renewal. Pray that God will help churches revive and return to their first love. Pray that the Great Commission will become their primary mission.
- Pray for divine encounters, that God would bring us just the right person at just the right time to start new pastoral training ministries in new places. We have already seen Him do this so many times and can see that all our accomplishments so far are because of God’s gracious hand. We ask for prayer that He will continue to lead us.
- Pray for protection for our country's leaders and trainers as many countries in Asia are hostile to Christianity. Pray for protection from persecution and favour with governments. Some countries are in upheaval politically and/or economically. Travel can also be hazardous. Pray for peace and prosperity in these places, so that the Gospel can spread unhindered.
- Pray for abundant financial resources. Everything costs money, including excellent translations, safe travel, qualified staff, and good equipment, just to name a few. Pray for the funding to continue to be available as we need it in the years to come and for new sources of funding as well, so we can expand to all the countries in Asia and finish the Great Commission in this generation.
- Pray for those involved in translating Christian literature in Asia. Pray also for all evangelists and Christian ministers to learn the various languages and dialects quickly and excellently.
About this Plan

The Lord has commanded us to "Go" into all nations and preach the gospel. Our commission to go to 'Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world (Acts 1:8)' is not a sequential but a simultaneous responsibility. Therefore, we will take up the challenge to pray for the nations through one week. We've included the "Seven Mountain of Influence Prayer Guide" at the beginning for those new to prayer, and a Sample General Prayer for Nations and Continents. You will find a prayer guide for each continent with daily personal devotionals.