Seven Days to Change the World: A Prayer Journey for the NationsНамуна

- Population: 1,373,480,428.
- 54 Countries
- The Second largest continent.
- Christians 48.8% Evangelicals 18%
- Christianity is almost half of Africa’s population and two-thirds of sub-Saharan Africa. From 1900 to 2010, Christians grew from 9.1% to 48.8%, - from 7.5 million to 504 million. Of the world’s evangelical Christians, over 33% live in Africa.
- Islam is the major challenge for Christianity today - both the 220 million Muslims in North and 300 million in sub-Saharan Africa.
- The “race” to win peoples to Christ from the traditional religions in West Africa and across the Sahel has largely been lost; most have been Islamized.
- The fault line between Muslim and Christian majority areas.
- Increasing terrorism and violence against Christians by fundamentalist Muslim groups.
As we pray for the great continent of Africa let’s remember the spiritual fathers who brought the gospel to Africa. With all the rights and wrongs we know so well there were thousands of British, indeed Scottish missionaries who brought the gospel to Africa. Scripture states that in the latter days, the hearts of these spiritual children will be "stirred" and turned back toward their spiritual fathers. Pray for the African diaspora here in the UK that they will connect and find a way to integrate their service and passion to benefit the Kingdom of God.
Prayer Points:
- Father, in the name of Jesus, let the Holy Ghost continue to come down as a “mighty Rushing Wind”, thereby drafting unprecedented multitudes into this church this year – Numbers 11:312.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to destroy every blindfolding power of the enemy aimed at preventing multitudes from getting saved and established in this church this year – 2 Corinthians 4:43.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, we destroy the gates of hell that may resist the influx of souls into this church this year – Matthew 16:184.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, let the ears of every unsaved soul across our harvest field continue to hear the compelling sound of the Holy Spirit all through this year and be drafted to this church with speed – Isaiah 5:265.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be a continuous eruption of signs and wonders in all our services this year, thereby drawing multitudes into the Kingdom and this church – Acts 5:12, 146.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be a never-increasing revelation in this church this year, leading to supernatural dimensions of church growth – Acts 6:77.
- Father, in the name of Jesus, continue to send your reaper- angels to take over our harvest field, thereby mobilizing multitudes into this church this year for their salvation, deliverance, and breakthrough – Matthew 13:39
About this Plan

The Lord has commanded us to "Go" into all nations and preach the gospel. Our commission to go to 'Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the uttermost parts of the world (Acts 1:8)' is not a sequential but a simultaneous responsibility. Therefore, we will take up the challenge to pray for the nations through one week. We've included the "Seven Mountain of Influence Prayer Guide" at the beginning for those new to prayer, and a Sample General Prayer for Nations and Continents. You will find a prayer guide for each continent with daily personal devotionals.