The Kids Prayer Covenant-How To Talk To God Each DayНамуна

The Kids Prayer Covenant-How To Talk To God Each Day

DAY 10 OF 10

It’s all about AUTHORITY!

Can You Say It? 

Pray: In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Memory Verse: Say Philippians 2:9 three times.

Can You See It? 

The story today is one of my favorites. It’s called, “Blind Bartimaeus” and is found in Mark 10:46-52.  

Bartimaeus was a blind beggar who lived in the streets of Jericho. He knew of Jesus and his wonderful deeds. He had heard of how Jesus healed the sick, the blind, and those who could not walk. 

Bartimaeus wanted Jesus to heal him too. He cried, “Jesus, Master, have pity on me! Have pity on me!” The people around Bartimaeus were not kind. They yelled, “Oh, be quiet!” but Bartimaeus ignored them and continued calling out to Jesus. Jesus heard him and said, “Bring him to me.” 

The crowd said, “Cheer up! He is calling you!” Throwing his jacket, Bartimaeus jumped to his feet and went to Jesus. “What do you want?” Jesus asked. Bartimaeus replied, “I want to see!” Jesus answered, “Your faith has healed you.” Bartimaeus had faith because he believed that Jesus had the power to heal him. 

Can you imagine how happy Bartimeaus was when his eyes were opened and the very first thing he saw was the face of Jesus? 

He was so excited after Jesus healed him, he followed him around, praising him for all the wonderful things he had done.

Can You Do It? 

Believe in your heart that there is power in prayer because there is power in the name of Jesus.

Pray and ask God, in Jesus’ name, for healing and strength for someone you know.

Praise God every day for all the wonderful things he has done for you.

Pray: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me and making me one of your children. Help me love and obey you. Help me love others the way you love me. I am sorry for my sins. Wash me clean. Jesus, I want to follow you as my Lord. Change me any way you want. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Make me an instrument of your grace, truth and justice. Use me for your glory and to invite others to follow you.

In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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About this Plan

The Kids Prayer Covenant-How To Talk To God Each Day

Do you want to learn to talk to God and experience a deeper relationship with him? This plan will help you discover God's heart while teaching you to pray. God has an amazing plan and purpose for your life. An adventure awaits as you discover what it means to radically follow Jesus every day.
