Living in Increase (Part 9) - Increase in Healthనమూనా

Living in Increase (Part 9) - Increase in Health

35 యొక్క 3

Whisper in the Wind

In this passage of Scripture, Elijah was paralyzed by fear. He did not know how to move next until he heard God’s still, small voice.

Sometimes, we may feel paralyzed by fear and shame, and the only thing that will help us move is God’s voice. Notice that God’s voice was not in the sound of the wind, the earthquake, or the fire. God’s voice was gentle.

When you struggle to hear God’s voice, you must get quiet. You must silence the lies in your mind by filling your thoughts with the Word of God. It’s not always easy, but God’s Word is powerful, and His voice will bring peace and stillness to your mind.

Amelia Hunter and Emily N. Green

Action Step: Schedule a few minutes every day this week to sit and be quiet. Listen for God’s voice.


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