Living in Increase (Part 9) - Increase in Healthనమూనా

Living in Increase (Part 9) - Increase in Health

35 యొక్క 5

A Resounding Knock

We have two choices: We can open the door or keep the door closed.

We can see how our God will move in our circumstances, or we can move on our own behalf. Jesus says that He stands at the door and knocks. This means He is seeking a response from us. He seeks us out in our brokenness, loneliness, bitterness, and hurt. He longs for us to open the door so He can come in, rearrange things, and make His will perfect in our lives.

When it comes to our mental health, we have a choice. We can choose to keep the door shut, or we can choose to open the door and let Christ rule in our minds (Colossians 3:15). The only way to achieve true mental health is by opening the door to Jesus and His righteous rule and reign!

Amelia Hunter and Emily N. Green

Action Step: Identify the thing that seems the most impossible to you. Then, pray and invite Jesus to do something great in that area!


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