Living in Increase (Part 9) - Increase in Healthనమూనా

Sun Stand Still
I discovered a Bible story I had never heard before tonight while reading. This story was about Joshua’s battle with and defeat of the Amorites. Because he had fought so hard against multiple kings and seemingly didn’t have the win in sight if nighttime were to fall over the battle, he asked God to make the sun stop in the sky and the moon in its tracks. Unbelievable! And here’s the best part: God did it!
God stopped the sun in the sky and kept it from going down. Joshua won the battle. If God cared so much for His people back then, think of how much more He cares for you and me.
When it comes to our health, specifically our mental health, it may seem audacious to ask God for help. Sometimes, praying for healing requires a lot of faith, especially when all worldly hope is lost. However, if God was willing to answer Joshua’s prayer so he could win his battle, I believe that God is willing to answer your prayers and help you win your battle.
We sang a song at church one day called “What a Beautiful Name.” This song reminds us that God is for us, and His name is powerful. He is a good God who only does good things and is capable of all things!
Amelia Hunter and Emily N. Green
Action Step: Pray a crazy, audacious prayer today.
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Are you ready to increase your health in every area of your life? Join us for this 35-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.