Living in Increase (Part 4) - Increase in Communityనమూనా

Living in Increase (Part 4) - Increase in Community

28 యొక్క 9

Naomi and Ruth

The first mentor-and-mentee relationship we’ll examine this week is between Naomi and Ruth. Naomi was the mother of Orpah and Ruth’s late husbands. Naomi’s husband had also passed away, and the three women had set out to a new land together.

However, along the journey, Naomi tells the women to turn back. After some discussion and tears, Orpah decided to go home, but Ruth chose to stay. The Scriptures say Ruth “clung tightly” to Naomi (Ruth 1:14) and would not leave her. Once Namoi and Ruth arrived in Bethlehem, Ruth began to work for a man named Boaz, who was a relative of Naomi’s and would later become Ruth’s husband.

I love this pairing because Ruth refused to be separated from Naomi. She was committed to doing life with her and learning from her. Ultimately, Ruth’s commitment to her mother-in-law, her mentor, led her to the great joy of meeting Boaz and becoming his wife.

As mentees, we must stay committed to our mentors. As we mentioned yesterday, it is the mentee’s job to seek out the mentor, and we see this play out in Ruth’s life. She could have chosen to move on without Naomi, but instead, she decided to stay committed, and God blessed her for it.

As mentors, we should note our mentees’ commitment level. Are they pursuing time with us? Are they serious about learning from us? If someone is trying to do life with us, let’s do our part and honor that commitment.

Danielle Babcock-Sapienza and Emily N. Green

Action Step: Set an appointment this week to meet with your mentor or someone you’re mentoring.


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