Living in Increase (Part 4) - Increase in Communityనమూనా

Week 2: Mentees
The Mentor and Mentee Relationship
Last week, we talked about the importance of having mentors, people who give us advice and help us navigate life. This week, we want to take a few moments to discuss the importance of having “mentees,” or people we are discipling.
Some of you may not consider yourself a mentor. You may think, “I’ve only been saved a few weeks!” or “I’m not good with people!” However, we read in 2 Timothy 2 that Paul instructs Timothy to find “trustworthy people” to pass on the message of Jesus to others. So, even if you’re not at the point where you think you can mentor someone now, I encourage you to pray about it and take this week as preparation for when God may use you to lead others later.
The truth Is that we are all “passing on” something. We all have something to learn from every person we meet, which means we all have something to teach. This should never be looked at in a prideful or arrogant way but with a respectful and humble perspective. Every person has a story. Your story has the power to help someone else because of what God has done for you!
This week, we will look at different pairings of mentors and mentees in Scripture. As we read about these pairings, note how the mentors lead and the mentees listen. Like any relationship, the mentor and mentee relationship is a two-way street. It is the mentee’s responsibility to seek wise counsel from the mentor, and it is the mentor’s responsibility to be bold and humble enough to give them wisdom. If you want to be a mentee, ask God to show you people you can learn from as you grow in your walk with Christ.
If you want to be a mentor, ask God for opportunities to share your story with others. However, be aware that this prayer for influence will most likely include more work and spiritual attacks (Rule of thumb: Don’t pray for what you can’t handle). What I mean here is that you shouldn’t pray and ask God for something when you’re not willing to put in the related work. God will be faithful to answer your request if it’s in alignment with His will, but you must be faithful to do your part when He answers, too.
Danielle Babcock-Sapienza and Emily N. Green
Action Step: Think about your story (your past, family, passions, traumas, victories, etc.). Pray and ask God to send someone into your life who you can encourage by sharing your story.
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Are you ready to increase the value of your relationships and community? Join us for this 28-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.