Living in Increase (Part 4) - Increase in Communityనమూనా

Week 1: Mentors
Double Honor
For the next four weeks, we are discussing the importance of increasing in community! To start our discussion, we will talk about the importance of mentorship. Mentorship is simply learning from others. This can be formal, like a one-on-one mentorship with someone you can learn from, or informal, where you learn from someone via a book, podcast, etc. This week, we will examine the importance of mentors and leaders and how we can learn from them in our spiritual walk.
One source of mentorship is elders and leaders in the church. In chapter five of 1 Timothy, Paul instructs Timothy to appoint an elder, discern accusations against him, and adequately discipline him if he’s found in sin. Paul states that preaching and teaching are of utmost importance and that elders who rule well are to receive “double honor.” In the NLT version, double honor is written as “respected and paid well.” Earlier, Paul told Timothy, “If someone aspires to be a church leader, he desires an honorable position” (1 Timothy 3:1 NLT). We can give leaders, staff, deacons, and elders double honor with respect, prayer, encouragement, and financial blessing to further their Kingdom impact, and we can learn from them in our own spiritual journey!
Danielle Babcock-Sapienza
Action Step: Pray for a church leader this week. If you are not already faithfully giving, pray about tithes and offerings and give as the Lord leads you to give to support the faithful pastors, elders, and teachers.
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Are you ready to increase the value of your relationships and community? Join us for this 28-day study as a part of our 365-day “Living in Increase” plan to experience the fulfilled and abundant life God always intended for you.