The Lord Who Heals Youనమూనా

The Lord Who Heals You

DAY 5 OF 21


John 10:10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

Jesus came to give you ‘life’- Himself- more abundantly. The thief in this passage refers to religion. If you believe religious teaching based on man’s reasonings and traditions, rather than on truth, it hinders you receiving healing. 

God is not withholding healing from you but false believing about God and His willingness to heal us can hinder us receiving healing.

The church has developed so many reasons why healing didn’t happen, but they don’t align with the teachings of Scripture. If you accept just one of those reasons as being viable, then it hinders your receiving from God.

Religion says that sometimes the answer is no- Jesus, the revealed will of God, healed all who came to Him and His finished work at Calvary declares to you that the answer is ‘yes’. 

Religion sometimes says that God put or allowed sickness to teach you something. God is the Healer and He is good and the Bible shows that Jesus never put sickness on anyone. 

In John 9:2, having seen a man blind from birth, Jesus’ disciples ask Him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” How many believers who have struggled with illness have felt the condemnation of religious thinking that their suffering or disability must be due to something they have done, or that they mustn’t be doing something right. Jesus’ response is, neither this man nor his parents sinned,”. 

We have to remove the lie- ‘who sinned’, and then replace it with truth- ‘but that the works of God should be revealed in him’. God wants His work of healing revealed in you.

We then need to respond to truth! Jesus applies clay to the man’s eyes, directs him to go and wash in the pool of Siloam, and he comes back seeing. 

Jesus makes the man walk 1300-1500m when He could have just healed him on the spot, making him break the man-made religious rule of how far he could walk on the Sabbath (1000-1200m). 

The man has put aside religious thinking and respond to truth to receive his healing. 

Day 4Day 6

About this Plan

The Lord Who Heals You

Jesus provided healing for us just as much as forgiveness through His finished work of the Cross. God has not made this difficult to receive but a simple faith that focuses on seeing Jesus and what He has already done for you, positions you for the power of God that is enough to heal 'every kind of sickness and every kind of disease'.
