The Lord Who Heals Youనమూనా

The Lord Who Heals You

DAY 7 OF 21


Numbers 21:9 So Moses made a bronze serpent, and put it on a pole; and so it was, if a serpent had bitten anyone, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.

God’s people in this story are exhausted and discouraged and the natural response is complaining and even questioning God, but this clearly makes the situation much worse. Reacting to the problem will never bring God’s answer. We are to respond to His answer.

The Lord gives Moses instructions to make a bronze serpent and those who looked at it lived and, therefore, they must have been healed and delivered from the serpents that were still round them- a picture of the work of the Cross (John3:14). 

God’s perspective and answer has never changed- put the work of the Cross into your situation!

The Amplified Bible interpretation for ‘looked at’ is to ‘look attentively, expectantly, and with a steady and absorbing gaze’. If we look at something attentively, it means that it has all of our focus; we are looking at it carefully, noting every detail. To look at it expectantly implies that we are expecting something to happen in response to that look ie the look of faith. To look with a steady and absorbing gaze means that we not only keep looking at it, as opposed to a mere glance, but we are absorbing something from it. Therefore, we are influenced and are changed by what we are looking at.

Faith is the perception or vision of God’s perspective. We need to shift to His perspective, and off ours, in order to be positioned for the power of God

Our perspective is so often fed by our feelings, problems, symptoms and input from what we might call ‘our reality’.

God, however, has a completely different perspective and reality. He sees sickness placed on Jesus, nailed to that Cross with resultant healing to us. 

His power is released from His perspective and not ours. We can be praying and ‘believing’ but if we are still seeing things from our perspective and responding according to the problem, then we are not positioned for God’s power. 

Look to what God has said, who Jesus is and what He has done for you and the power of God to heal will be there.

Day 6Day 8

About this Plan

The Lord Who Heals You

Jesus provided healing for us just as much as forgiveness through His finished work of the Cross. God has not made this difficult to receive but a simple faith that focuses on seeing Jesus and what He has already done for you, positions you for the power of God that is enough to heal 'every kind of sickness and every kind of disease'.
