Let's Talk About Violence and PeaceUzorak

Our friends, our family members, our significant others, our teammates, even our small group—our lives are filled with people we interact with daily. While a lot of those relationships are great, we know that even the best relationships will bring challenges, conflicts, and misunderstandings. That’s what makes Paul’s challenge to us—to live at peace with everyone—so difficult. Remember, though, that while you may not be able to control the actions of others, you always have the power to control how you respond. Choose kindness over judgment and compassion over criticism. Strive for kindness, extend forgiveness, and try to understand the other person’s point of view. Living at peace doesn’t mean avoiding conflict or hard times; it means letting God’s Spirit work in you to treat others in a way that reflects God’s peace and love in your life.
What’s one thing you can do to choose peace today? Remember, peace has a big impact. Watch how choosing peace in your relationships has the power to affect those around you.
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A conversation about violence and peace. A middle school devotional designed to help students choose peace. In this devotional, you’ll find encouragement to see how Jesus offers us peace in our hearts.