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Let's Talk About Violence and PeaceUzorak

Let's Talk About Violence and Peace

DAN 4 OD 7

In his letter to the Philippians, the author, Paul, gave the “recipe” for peace. He said that if they fixed their thoughts on specific things, then the God of peace would be with them. What are those things? According to Paul, it’s whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and worthy of praise. Sounds nice, right? Who wouldn’t want to think about good things all day? If we’re honest, we’d all admit we get easily distracted by the pressures, circumstances, and challenges that surround us. When that happens, we feel anything but peaceful, right? Thanks to Paul, though, we can shift our eyes back to the things we know are true—the things we know will bring us peace.

Take time today to memorize this verse. Let it serve as a reminder of where you can focus to find peace in your everyday life.

Dan 3Dan 5

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Let's Talk About Violence and Peace

A conversation about violence and peace. A middle school devotional designed to help students choose peace. In this devotional, you’ll find encouragement to see how Jesus offers us peace in our hearts.
