Let's Talk About Violence and PeaceUzorak

An idea usually forgotten in many middle schoolers’ eyes is loving your enemies and praying for those who hurt you. That’s because it’s a struggle to love your enemies and the people who hurt you. But, as we look at Jesus’ words, we know it’s what we are called to do as Christians. Love shows our true character in Christ, displays the fruits of our faith, and ultimately allows us to reach others uniquely. In His own life, Jesus was faced with the choice of loving His enemies or ridiculing and hurting them. Jesus decided to love them anyway. Even Judas, someone who sold him and disowned Him in the end! Scripture tells us Jesus became a servant and washed all of the disciples' feet. Do you know who was a disciple? Judas! Jesus sat at the feet of the very one who betrayed Him, and He served him. This act was seen as something that the lowest servant would do in a household, but it was Jesus Himself who did it here. So, Jesus gave us the example of how to serve others and love our enemies.
So, let’s follow His lead. Let’s all choose to pray for our enemies, serve the ones who have hurt us, and love the people we encounter.
Sveto Pismo
O ovom planu

A conversation about violence and peace. A middle school devotional designed to help students choose peace. In this devotional, you’ll find encouragement to see how Jesus offers us peace in our hearts.