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Not OkayChikamu

Not Okay


Back in Bible times, modern plumbing was a long ways away. That means no quick, easy morning shower or popping on the faucet for a quick glass of water. Instead, most towns relied on a local well. Every morning, someone from each house went down to the well with a bucket or two to scoop up as much water as they could carry back home. And then, you had to save that water until you really needed it — otherwise, you'd have to make another trip to the well.

That meant that people in Jesus' day had to be much more picky about when they decided to get a drink of water. It was probably pretty annoying! They lived in a hot climate, walked everywhere, and pretty much everyone had a lot of physically demanding chores. People got thirsty a lot. But they had to be careful about how often they drank water.

So, you can imagine why Jesus' words in today's passage got his audience pretty excited. Water that would make it so you never got thirsty again? Who wouldn't sign up?!

But Jesus wasn't talking about physical thirst. He was talking about something deeper and even more important — he was talking about the hope that he offers. For most of us, hope is a thing we run out of easily. We get worried or stressed, and it feels like our hope is gone. But Jesus says that with one sip of his hope, you'll never be thirsty again.

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Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu

Not Okay

We'll look at four major stressors we all deal with and see how God's words can give us comfort, guidance, and help with each of them. We'll talk about what Jesus offers you when you're not okay, what God wants you to know when people reject you, what to do when it's not easy to do what's right, and when we feel worried, we'll see what God has to say.
