Not OkayChikamu

When you're getting ready for a road trip, you've got to plan ahead. You've got to make sure you've got plenty of snacks for the journey. You've got to have your directions all figured out on Waze. You've got to know how long it will take to get where you're going. And, most importantly, you've got to have some gas in the tank. You won't get very far on a long road trip without any fuel.
It's one thing to figure that out for a road trip. It's another thing to figure it out in life. Maybe you've had an experience where you feel like you just don't have anything else in your gasoline tank. You're running on empty. You're so worried, stressed out, and tired of dealing with all the daily drama that you just don't know how to take another step.
The Bible talks about feeling this way. And the good news is the writer of the Psalms figured out what to do when it happens: have hope in God.
When your hope is in yourself, you will run out of gasoline. But when you hope in God, you're connected to a source of limitless hope. The Bible describes it as being able to run without getting tired. If you're planning a road trip, make sure you know how much fuel it'll take to get you where you want to go. But if you're trying to plan ahead in life, you've got all the energy you need . . . you just have to connect to the right source.
Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu

We'll look at four major stressors we all deal with and see how God's words can give us comfort, guidance, and help with each of them. We'll talk about what Jesus offers you when you're not okay, what God wants you to know when people reject you, what to do when it's not easy to do what's right, and when we feel worried, we'll see what God has to say.