Not OkayChikamu

Have you ever had a movie, a book, or a TV show spoiled for you? Someone accidentally told you that — spoiler alert! — Darth Vader is Luke's father or Iron Man dies in Endgame, or who got the rose on The Bachelor before you could watch for yourself!? It's pretty annoying. Now that you know how it ends, why even bother watching the rest?
But sometimes, don't you kind of wish God would spoil the ending? If God is really in charge of everything, then why not just skip over all the bad stuff — all the wars, the sicknesses, and the broken hearts — and just get to the happy ending?
It's easy to wish God would just fast forward to the end. But when we start feeling that way, it's important to remember how much bigger God is than we are. In the same way your dog might not understand why you must wait for the light to turn green before crossing the street, we don't always understand why God is taking so much time. But that doesn't mean there's not a good reason!
Ecclesiastes 3:1 puts it this way: There is a time for everything. That means there is a time for good things, but there's also a time for challenges. Those challenges might be stressful. They might worry us. But that doesn't mean they're not part of God's plan. And that plan does have a happy ending . . . even if we can't see it yet.
Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu

We'll look at four major stressors we all deal with and see how God's words can give us comfort, guidance, and help with each of them. We'll talk about what Jesus offers you when you're not okay, what God wants you to know when people reject you, what to do when it's not easy to do what's right, and when we feel worried, we'll see what God has to say.