

DAY 11 OF 24

In this passage, we see Paul writing to the Philippians about two men, Timothy and Epaphroditus, that he will send to them to check on their well-being. From this passage, we can see that these men do two things well: They love God, and they love people. We know this, not because of anything they have said, but because of the account that Paul gives of them and their acts of service. Paul speaks of ways that each of them has cared for the church in Philippi, put God’s will first in their lives, and served alongside Paul in ministry.

We never hear a word from Timothy or Epaphroditus, but this is perhaps the greatest lesson that we learn in this passage. These two men set a great example of what it can look like to serve God, not just with our words, but with the way that we live our lives. They did not have to convince us of their love for God and people, it was apparent in the account given on their behalf.

So how can we follow in this example? The truth is, Timothy and Epaphroditus were following another example, that of Jesus Christ. Jesus served well because He loved well. Christ-like love comes as a result of a relationship with Jesus Himself. As we continue to spend time with Jesus regularly, we will begin to be more like Him, and love more like He does. This love will overflow into other areas of our lives, and will affect our relationships, our workplaces, even the way that we view our situations. All we have to do is focus on getting as close as possible to Jesus, He will take care of the rest.

Prayer points:

  • Thank God for the perfect example of love that we have in Jesus.
  • Pray for a daily deepening in your relationship with Jesus.
  • Ask that God would help you to live a life characterized by Christ-like love.
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