

DAY 13 OF 24

It seems like Paul deeply believed that his relationship with Jesus was not something to be earned. Maybe because things kicked off when Paul was at his worst, when he was not in a place to deserve the grace God gave him. And yet, God sought him out, and Paul chose to follow in faith. Then, as Paul would travel to tell others about this epic relationship, “dogs, evildoers, and mutilators” would come behind him and try to retrain the people to believe something different.

In the case of chapter 3, the message was “follow the law” versus “receiving the free gift of relationship with Jesus.” Circumcision was a law that was meant to be obeyed, a way to earn and keep your Christianity card. But Paul was reminding the church that your works, even good works, cannot earn you the love of God.

I catch myself often feeling unworthy of love, and trying to find ways to earn it or justify it. I find this happening even in simple scenarios like keeping track of who got me a birthday gift and making sure I return the favor, or trying to tell God I will write in my journal or read my Bible longer today because He blessed me with something. But that is silly! He is a good Dad that wants to love His kids well, and our job most of the time is to simply receive it.

Prayer points:

  • Check your heart: Are you trying to earn God‘s love? Are you trying to earn the love of your friends?
  • Take a moment to thank God for the free gift of relationship.
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