

DAY 16 OF 24

Leading up to this section of scripture, Paul is urging the Philippian church to understand the value of knowing Jesus personally, and running in the race that they’ve been called to here on Earth, as a follower of Christ. We read now that Paul is weeping over the fact that there are people in the Philippian church who talk about having a relationship with Jesus, but the way they’re living life doesn’t match that message. Notice that Paul isn’t dismissing these types of people within the Philippian church. Instead, with tears in his eyes, Paul is making a case for them to change their direction. Paul even lays out some of the warning signs in verses 18 and 19; noting that the people he is referring to are focused on themselves and life here on Earth. If those are the warning signs, then let’s shift our focus away from ourselves, and towards Jesus. We can allow Him to be the center of our attention, and our minds and spirits to be focused on His will, agenda, and kingdom instead of our own.

Prayer points:

  • Ask: God is there an area of my life that I’m more focused on than You? Will You help me trust You with that part of my life?
  • Shift your focus: God, will You help me focus on You? Help me to grow in my relationship with You, and recognize that You are the center of my life. Thank You for Your grace and Your love.
Zuva 15Zuva 17