The Three LovesChikamu

The Three Loves

DAY 2 OF 7

Loving God: Creativity

Creator God, who formed us from dust, breathe in me again. Give me a new imagination to perceive fresh possibilities today.

Pause and pray

Today I am reflecting on John’s retelling of the creation story, and how I can love God through the practice of creativity.

The opening poem of John’s Gospel should come with a spoiler alert. John, an eyewitness to Jesus’ life, death and resurrection isn’t going to wait until the final chapter for his big reveal. John makes it clear from the start that he’s not only writing about a revolutionary Rabbi, but someone who is also fully God. With clear echoes of Genesis 1, John places Jesus, the Word, at the heart of the creation action.

Jesus is the light spoken into the darkness, and His arrival as the Word made flesh marks a new creation moment for the whole universe. (John 1:14)

How do I most often think about Christ? When I delve into the Bible or speak with Him in prayer, do I lean more toward Jesus’ humanity or divinity?

I pause now and worship the Word made flesh.

Pause and pray

Depression can feel like a darkness that leaches all colour from life. I name someone I know, living with depression.

Jesus, light of the world, would You illuminate their darkness, give them words of hope and bring them healing today.

Pause and pray

Genesis tells me that I am made in the image of the Creator (Genesis 1:26). Jesus tells me that I’m, ‘here to be light,’ joining in with Him to ‘bring out the God-colors in the world.’ (Matthew 5:14 MSG) Whether I consider myself artistic or not, I draw on my creativity to express my love for God in the way I live, the way I rest, the way I work, and the way I create family and community.

Jesus, I take a moment to confess the places where my life has become dulled by the darkness of sin. Light of the world, illuminate where I have not loved You, or my neighbour in my words or my actions. I ask you for forgiveness.


Zuva 1Zuva 3

About this Plan

The Three Loves

There are three great loves at the heart of Christianity: love for God, love for our neighbour and love for the lost. How can we put these loves into action, living out the two greatest commandments and the great commission very practically in our everyday lives?
