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Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily DevotionalChikamu

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional


Be a God-Pleaser, Not a Man-Pleaser Are you the person God created you to be or are you living 'to please men'? According to this scripture, God's will is for us to please Him and be what He wants us to be. When we choose to be the person God created us to be - unique and different than everybody else - we have to expect some criticism. But you won't like yourself very much if you go against your own convictions. See, going along with the crowd, when you know in your heart that God's leading you a different way, is one reason people don't succeed at being themselves. I want to encourage you to step out and be the person God made you to be. Don't let the way another person treats you or responds to you determine your worth. Have the courage to be different and deal with criticism. Remember that God accepts you and loves you. He made you the way you are for a reason, and you have something special to offer. Prayer Starter: God, I don't want to live trying to please men. I dare to be different. I want to win Your favor and be the person You made me to be.
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Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Start or end your day with practical and powerful insights based on God's Word with Joyce Meyer. In as little as 10 minutes a day, this 365-day devotional will help you renew your mind and discover that a life of purpose and passion really is possible - every day!
