Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily DevotionalChikamu

Tempted' to Do Good
One thing that draws us into temptation is thinking too highly of ourselves and trusting ourselves too much. This is an attitude planted by the enemy. We get prideful and think we're just fine, but then Satan tempts us and we fall into sin.
Now, this next statement might shock you: You need to know that there's also a good kind of temptation. We need to realize that Satan tempts us to do evil, but in a way, God tempts us to do good. Every time the enemy sets a bad option in front of you, God always has a good one ready.
When the temptation to sin feels overwhelming, remember that the Holy Spirit, who is much more powerful than the enemy, also wants to overwhelm you, but in a good way. He wants to influence you to do great things if you will let Him.
God is trying to save our lives. He wants to strengthen us so that no matter what happens, we'll be preserved and protected under His covering. When God tempts you to do good, simply obey.
Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, I want to listen and obey Your good 'temptations.' When the enemy tries to make me stumble, show me Your perfect plan that I can follow instead.
Zvinechekuita neHurongwa uhu

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