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Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily DevotionalChikamu

Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional


Are You Exhausted, Or Is Jesus Exalted? I believe one of the major reasons why many people are stressed and burned out is because they're going their own way instead of following God's plan. We need to follow the leading of the Spirit as to what we're to be involved in and where we're to expend our energy. We must learn to say yes when He says yes and no when He says no. When we're obedient to God's leading, we'll be able to accomplish what He gives us to do and walk in peace. Romans 7:6 says we are to be led by the "prompting" of the Spirit. I can remember numerous times when I was tired and the Holy Spirit prompted me to rest, but I continued to push myself to go out or to have company. Then I'd end up exhausted, instead of just being tired. As you know, exhausted people usually get grouchy and impatient. But when we obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, Jesus is exalted. So let me ask you this: Are you exhausted...or is Jesus exalted? Follow the Spirit and exalt Him in your life. Prayer Starter: God, I don't want to be too exhausted to obey Your promptings. I choose to follow Your plans and exalt You in my life.


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Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life - a Daily Devotional

Start or end your day with practical and powerful insights based on God's Word with Joyce Meyer. In as little as 10 minutes a day, this 365-day devotional will help you renew your mind and discover that a life of purpose and passion really is possible - every day!
