Clean (S3-E4)Vzorec

Clean (S3-E4)

DAY 4 OF 4


I think it’s a beautiful scene: Zebedee sells his boat, and during the negotiations, it becomes clear that he wants to live for Jesus. The potential buyer says, “You own nothing under Rome.” Zebedee replies, “I own nothing above Rome.” In other words: What I have isn’t mine. And whether I own something here or not, I live for something else—something higher—something over which the Romans have no say. Isn’t that amazing?

The buyer’s perspective is on the oppressor—in this case, the Romans—and the limitations that brings.

Zebedee’s perspective is on something far greater, something heavenly, and the possibilities that brings.

What is your perspective? What do you live for? What possibilities do you see?

Of course, this scene is imagined and doesn’t appear exactly like this in the Bible, but Jesus makes a clear statement in this direction in Matthew 22. In my own words: “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. But give to God what belongs to God.”

That gives direction to your life. It certainly did for Zebedee. And for you?

If your perspective is mostly shaped by the here-and-now, then that’s what you’ll live for. Those are the things you’ll consider.

If your perspective is shaped by the things of the Kingdom of Jesus, then that’s what you’ll live for, and those are the things you’ll consider.

I have to remind myself of this regularly. Because everything around me is “discipling” me in a certain direction, from a certain perspective. And that’s not the perspective of the Kingdom of Jesus.

And so we need the Master, Jesus. His perspective and His hand to disciple me. His hand that invites me and His gentle hand that lifts my gaze to see Him.

From that perspective, my world looks completely different.
From that perspective, I live completely differently.

What perspective do you have?

Take the following questions with you to reflect on:

  • So, from what perspective do you look?
  • “Everything around me is “discipling” me in a certain direction, from a certain perspective. And that’s not the perspective of the Kingdom of Jesus." Do you experience that too? Do you have examples of it? And what do you do about it / against it?

Prayer: "Lord, living for and with You can sometimes be quite complicated. It feels like everything is pulling me in different directions. I want to live for You. With You. Through You. I constantly realize how much I need You, Lord. Yes, You are my Lord, my Rabbi, my Example. Help me, Lord, to live with Your perspective, and to see the world and the people around me through Your eyes. Amen."

P.S. This is the last day of this Reading Plan. We hope it has helped you as a follower of Jesus and that you have enjoyed it.

The materials in this Reading Plan come from Alongsiders, an European discipleship movement, and

Of course, there is much more to discover! Do you want to take the next step? Do you have a heart for discipleship and do you want to know more about how to follow Jesus together with others? Visit our website.

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About this Plan

Clean (S3-E4)

This reading plan takes you through some of the themes in the "Clean (part 1)" episode of The Chosen TV Series. Reflect, dive into the Bible, and enjoy what Jesus has to say to you.
