Clean (S3-E4)Vzorec

Clean (S3-E4)

DAY 1 OF 4

Prayer - handing it over

Jesus is praying, and the disciples see it. That wasn’t just a coincidence. Jesus prayed regularly. Talking with His Father was as natural to Him as breathing.

And then comes the question: Master, teach us to pray. A very natural question: If You pray, then teach us to pray as well. If You need this, then we need it too.

And Jesus does it. He gives His disciples a beautiful “model prayer.” A prayer that is still prayed in many places and by many people. Do you ever pray this prayer?

Later, the disciples are sent out, and they are allowed – in the name of Jesus – to do wonderful things. Miracles. Speaking. Touching. Healing. Encouraging. And… praying.

Of course, also praying.

Jesus prayed. And He taught His disciples to pray.
The disciples prayed. And they taught the people around them to pray.

And you? Do you know what it means to pray? And do you pass that on to the people around you?

I think of parents who pray with their children, teaching them that it’s important to talk to God and share everything with Him.
I think of work situations where, after a conversation, you fold your hands and ask Him for help.
I think of joyful moments where, before the celebration begins, you first send your thanks in prayer to the Father.
I think of a quick prayer before entering a difficult conversation.
And I think of those moments when someone confides in you about something beyond your control, where all you can do is pray.

Is our natural reaction to pray? And do you invite others into that? Do you teach others that? I think there’s something for all of us to learn in this.

Prayer is something incredibly special, and yet as “normal” as breathing. It’s like oxygen for your soul. Oxygen for your spiritual lungs.

Jesus prayed and taught others to pray. The first disciples prayed and taught others to pray. What do you and I do?

Take the following questions with you to reflect on:

  • Do you ever pray the Our Father? Why or why not?
  • What place does prayer have in your life?
  • How do you model prayer to the people around you?
  • What would you like to change in that?

Prayer: "Father, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation. Amen."

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About this Plan

Clean (S3-E4)

This reading plan takes you through some of the themes in the "Clean (part 1)" episode of The Chosen TV Series. Reflect, dive into the Bible, and enjoy what Jesus has to say to you.
