Clean (S3-E4)Vzorec

Everybody has secrets
Have you ever lived with a secret? Something that only you know? Maybe something very exciting, like a special date when something wonderful is going to happen. Or maybe something complicated that you’d rather others not know about. A secret.
The woman in our Bible passage also carries a “secret.” She has a condition that makes her unclean. And in her situation, with her Jewish background, this means she cannot come near others, as she would make them unclean too. She isn’t even allowed into the synagogue, the Jewish place of worship. She’s been carrying this secret for 12 years. People who discover her secret avoid her. She’s desperately seeking a solution, but no doctor can help her. How incredibly alone and excluded this woman must have felt. The Bible doesn’t say it, but I can imagine it.
We know from our Bible passage that this story has a good ending, but I want to pause for a moment with this woman, right before her healing.
She’s walking around with a secret.
So here’s a direct question: Are you also carrying a secret? Something that only you know? Something you might be ashamed of? Or something you actually need help with? Or maybe a secret you’d like to share but just don’t dare to. It’s something that might make you feel alone or left out.
For the beautiful secrets you carry, I pray for you to have courage, wisdom, and joy to share them at the right time.
For the difficult secrets you carry, I pray for you to find a friend, a "brother” or “sister” with whom you can share it at the right time.
Because you don’t have to carry these things alone. Don’t try to solve it all on your own. Don’t pray alone. No!
The text from Galatians shows us something beautiful. We’re allowed to do this together. To carry each other’s burdens – the things that are difficult – and to care for one another.
Not “you,” but “we.”
Not alone, but together.
That is family.
That is the church.
Bringing your secrets to Jesus together. Working on them together if needed. Supporting and building each other up. Together.
Because we’re not meant to be “alone”.
Take the following questions with you to reflect on:
- What thoughts come to your mind when you think about the story of this woman?
- Do you carry any secrets with you?
- What would you like to do with them?
- Is there someone you can share them with?
- What do you need in order to actually do that?
Prayer: "Lord, You know my heart. Every thought, every secret, both beautiful and difficult ones. Light and dark. Lord, today I want to bring it all to You. Lord, You know I...1. Lord, will You help me not to carry it alone. Let me know with whom can I share I...]. Thank You that You designed it for us to walk together, and through that, to see something of Yourself. Thank You! Amen."
Sveto pismo
About this Plan

This reading plan takes you through some of the themes in the "Clean (part 1)" episode of The Chosen TV Series. Reflect, dive into the Bible, and enjoy what Jesus has to say to you.