Let There Be LightVzorec

Let There Be Light

DAY 17 OF 21

Day 17 – Matt Dennison
(Calvary Rockhampton/Yeppoon)

John Chapter 17
Title: Living in Unity

Scripture: John 17:22-23
The glory that you have given me I have given to them, that they may be one even as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me.

Sometimes, it can be hard to get along with others. Everyone has a different idea, viewpoint, or solution to the same problem. Every day, we are surrounded by people with differing perspectives. So, how can we get along and be united?

In John 17, we find Jesus praying for Himself, His disciples, and all believers. This chapter is often referred to as the “High Priestly Prayer.” In verses 20-21, Jesus specifically prays for all future believers—that’s you and me! He prays for unity among believers that we may be one just as He and the Father are one.

When we accept Jesus into our lives, He gives us His spirit, power, presence, and word. As we let these forces shape us and change us into the people we are called to be, it becomes easier to extend love toward those we may disagree with. By doing this, we create unity, no matter what environment we find ourselves in.

When we accept Jesus into our lives, we are one with him, and it becomes our calling to share His love and work for unity. We ought not emphasise our differences in a way that divides us but rather focus on Jesus and bring unity for his glory. Today, remember to let Jesus lead you. Let his love shine through you, especially with those who see things differently from you.

Jesus, your prayer is that I would be one with other believers. Help me create peace and unity with others so the world can know who you are. Give me grace and love toward people I sometimes struggle to get along with. Amen.

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Dan 16Dan 18

About this Plan

Let There Be Light

At the beginning of Genesis 1, God spoke the word, “Let there be light,” and it overcame darkness. In Jesus, God sent the Word, Jesus, and He overcame the darkness helping us see God’s good plan for our lives. By reading one chapter from John’s gospel each day, with the accompanying devotion, you’ll see God’s nature in Jesus, God’s work through Jesus, and God’s plan for all to know Jesus.
