Let There Be LightVzorec

Day 16 – Scott Douglas
(Calvary Yeppoon)
John Chapter 16
Title: Facing Struggles
Scripture: John 16:33
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Struggles are a significant part of the Christian life. If our view of God and life is too simple, it can lead to frustration and fear. We are left to wonder, “If God is in control, why am I facing this struggle or difficulty? If God’s eternal plan is working, why did he plan for me to deal with these issues in my life?”
Many Christians struggle to grasp the connection between God’s sovereignty and our real struggles. We may expect that because I am a Christian, life should be rosy. However, Jesus never promises a trouble-free life, but he does promise that we will have peace in Him.
In verse 33, there are two things we can hope for during difficulties and troubles. One is something Jesus already has completed—that He has overcome the world. The other is that in Jesus, we have peace. In times of struggles and difficulties, we need to fall back on God’s promises and keep these close to our hearts and minds.
Three things take place when we lean on God during times of struggle. Firstly, God displays His faithfulness to us – our perseverance and faith during difficult times are evidence of the genuineness of our faith (1 Peter 1:6-7). Secondly, when struggles test us, God calls us back to His grace, mercy, and strength (James 1:2-4). Thirdly, we find rest and peace when we allow God to take on our difficulties (Matthew 11:28-30).
Lord, today I acknowledge that you have a purpose and a plan behind the struggles I face, whether they seem small or great. Thank you that my life is not at the hand of fate or chance (1 Peter 4:16). Thank you for overcoming the world and providing peace to me today. Amen.
Sveto pismo
About this Plan

At the beginning of Genesis 1, God spoke the word, “Let there be light,” and it overcame darkness. In Jesus, God sent the Word, Jesus, and He overcame the darkness helping us see God’s good plan for our lives. By reading one chapter from John’s gospel each day, with the accompanying devotion, you’ll see God’s nature in Jesus, God’s work through Jesus, and God’s plan for all to know Jesus.