Let There Be LightVzorec

Day 15 – Hayley Hutchinson
(Calvary Rockhampton)
John Chapter 15
Title: Friendship with God
Scripture: John 15:15-16
“I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you.”
What does it mean to be a friend and not an acquaintance? Acquaintances know people’s names and general details about them, but friends share with each other in a deeper manner. Friends understand what makes each other ‘tick.’ They know their plans, support each other to achieve their goals, and stand by each other through the ups and downs of life.
In verses 15 and 16 of John 15, God calls us His friends. He makes it clear that we are not seen as servants. Servants simply outwork their master's directions. As believers, God wants us to be part of the ‘inner circle’—to know and understand God’s plans and purpose. He makes it clear through this passage of scripture that keeping this knowledge hidden from believers is not His will.
So, how do we develop a deeper relationship with God? How do we become more than just acquaintances—people who know the ‘headlines’—and move into a deeper relationship? Just like with all relationships, it can’t be one-sided. We have a part to play in developing our relationship with God into something more than surface-level knowledge.
The Bible, the inspired Word of God, is the key way God reveals his purposes to us. Not only this, but we are also given the helper, the Holy Spirit, to reveal meaning from this sacred text to us. However, this revelation can only come when we take the time to develop our relationship with God by reading and meditating on his Word and taking the time to both talk and listen to God. Through these actions, we can enter into a deeper relationship with God and understand his plans and purposes.
Lord, thank You for your desire for friendship with me. Help me enter into a deeper relationship with you today and understand your plans and purposes. Amen.
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About this Plan

At the beginning of Genesis 1, God spoke the word, “Let there be light,” and it overcame darkness. In Jesus, God sent the Word, Jesus, and He overcame the darkness helping us see God’s good plan for our lives. By reading one chapter from John’s gospel each day, with the accompanying devotion, you’ll see God’s nature in Jesus, God’s work through Jesus, and God’s plan for all to know Jesus.