John 12:26
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“Gin ony man wad serʼ me, lat him follow me; and whaur I bide, thar sal my servant bide; gin ony man serʼ me, my Father wull gie him honor.
Explore John 12:26
John 12:25
“Wha loʼes his life, sal tine his life; and wha hains‐na his life iʼ this warld sal hain it for Eternity!
Explore John 12:25
John 12:24
“Truly, truly say I tʼye, gin a pickle oʼ wheat faʼna into the yirth and dee, it bides allenar; but gin it dee, it brings muckle increase.
Explore John 12:24
John 12:46
“I am come for a licht to the warld, that wha believes on me soud nae mair bide iʼ the mirk.
Explore John 12:46
John 12:47
“And gin ony man hear to my words, and winna keep them, I judge‐him‐na; for it wasna to judge the warld, but to save the warld that I cam.
Explore John 12:47
John 12:3
Than Mary took a pund oʼ ointment, the raal nard, unco precious, and anointit Jesusʼ feet; and dichtit his feet wiʼ her hair; and the hail hoose was fuʼ oʼ the perfume oʼ the ointment.
Explore John 12:3
John 12:13
Tuik branches oʼ the palm‐trees, and gaed oot to meet him, and cryʼt oot, “Hosannah! Blessin on him wha comes iʼ the name oʼ the Lord! the King oʼ Israel!”
Explore John 12:13
John 12:23
And Jesus answerʼt them, and quoʼ he, “The ʼoor is come for the Son oʼ Man to be glorifyʼt.
Explore John 12:23
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