John 13:34-35
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
“I gie ye a new commaun, ‘Ye sal loʼe ane‐anither; eʼen as I hae loeʼd you, that ye soud loʼe ane‐anither!’ “Sae sal aʼ folk ken ye are followers oʼ me, gin ye hae love to ane‐anither.”
Explore John 13:34-35
John 13:14-15
“Gin I than, the Lord and the Maister, hae mysel weshʼt yere feet, ye soud be weshin ane anitherʼs feet. “For I hae sutten ye an example, to do as I hae dune tʼye.
Explore John 13:14-15
John 13:7
Jesus answerʼt to him, “Ye kenna e‐noo what I dae, but ye sal ken eftir.”
Explore John 13:7
John 13:16
“Truly, truly say I tʼye, a servant isna aboon his maister, nor the ane that is sent oot as great as as the ane wha sends him.
Explore John 13:16
John 13:17
“Gin ye ken thir things, happy are ye to be doin them!
Explore John 13:17
John 13:4-5
Gat up frae Supper, and lay doon his robes, and girded his sel wiʼ a tooel, And syne he teemed watir intil a basin, and begude to wesh the disciplesʼ feet, and to dight them wiʼ the tooel aboot him.
Explore John 13:4-5
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