John 11:25-26
New Testament in Braid Scots 1904 (William Wye Smith)
Jesus said to her, “I am the Risin‐again and the Life! Wha lippens on me, eʼen gin he dee, yet sal he leeve! “And whasae leeves, lippenin on me, sal dee nae mair! Dae ye believe this?”
Explore John 11:25-26
John 11:40
Jesus says to her, “Did I no say tʼye, that gin ye wad believe, ye soud see the glorie oʼ God?”
Explore John 11:40
John 11:35
Jesus grat.
Explore John 11:35
John 11:4
Whan Jesus heard it, he said, “This illness is no to bring death, but the glorie oʼ God; sae as Godʼs Son micht be glorifyʼt.”
Explore John 11:4
John 11:43-44
And whan he had sae said, he cryʼt wiʼ a soondin voice, “Lazarus! hither! Come!” And the deid cam forth, bund haun and fit wiʼ deid‐claes; and his heid bund roond wiʼ a naipkin. Jesus says to them, “Lowse him, and lat him gang!”
Explore John 11:43-44
John 11:38
Jesus, groanin at this within his sel, comes to the tomb. Noo it was a cave, and a stane was putten ower it.
Explore John 11:38
John 11:11
Thir things quoʼ he; and eftir he said to them, “Oor freend Lazarus is faun on sleep; but I gang that I may wauken him oot oʼ sleep!”
Explore John 11:11
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