John 12
Mary ance mair at Jesusʼ feet. He rides intil Jerusalem. The licht gaun to leaʼ them.
1Than Jesus, six days afore the Pasche, cam to Bethanie, whaur was Lazarus, that he had raised frae the deid.
2And they made him a supper; and Martha serʼt at the table; but Lazarus sat wiʼ him, amang the guests.
3Than Mary took a pund oʼ ointment, the raal nard, unco precious, and anointit Jesusʼ feet; and dichtit his feet wiʼ her hair; and the hail hoose was fuʼ oʼ the perfume oʼ the ointment.
4But ane oʼ his disciples, Judas, says (he wha wad betray him),
5“Hoo isʼt this ointment wasna raither sellʼt for thrie hunder siller pennies, and gien to the puir?”
6Noo this said he, no that he cared ocht for the puir, but for that he was a thief, and bure the wallet, and made awa wiʼ what gaed intilʼt.
7Than said Jesus, “Dinna pit her aboot! has she no been hainin it for my buryin day?
8“For ye hae aye the puir wʼye; but ye haena me aye wʼye!”
9The feck oʼ the folk amang the Jews kent he was thar; and they cam oot, no for Jesusʼ sake allenarlie; but eʼen to see Lazarus as weel, wham he had raised frae the deid.
10But the Heigh‐priests socht hoo they micht mak awa wiʼ Lazarus as weel;
11For that by reason oʼ him, a hantle oʼ the Jews gaed awa, believin on Jesus
12On the morn, a great companie oʼ folk, wha had come to the Feast, whan they heard say that Jesus was comin to Jerusalem,
13Tuik branches oʼ the palm‐trees, and gaed oot to meet him, and cryʼt oot, “Hosannah! Blessin on him wha comes iʼ the name oʼ the Lord! the King oʼ Israel!”
14And Jesus, whan he had taʼen a young ass, sut himsel onʼt; as it is putten doon,
15“Fear‐na, O dochter oʼ Zion! for see, yere King comes, sittin on an assʼs cowt.”
16Thir things did‐na his disciples think oʼ at the first; but whan Jesus was glorifyʼt, than mindit they that thir things war putten‐doon anent him, and that they had dune thir things to him.
17Sae the thrang oʼ folk that war wiʼ him whan he caʼd Lazarus frae the tomb, and raised him frae the deid, bure witness.
18And for this cause the haill multitude gaed oot to meet him, for they had heard tell that he had dune this great ferlie.
19Than the Pharisees said amang their sels, “See ye hoo ye mak nae heidway! Look! the warld is gane eftir him!”
20Noo, thar war certain Greeks amang the folk that cam up to worship at the Feast.
21And thir men cam to Philip, wha was oʼ Bethsaida oʼ Galilee, sayin to him, “Sir, we wad fain see Jesus!”
22Philip cam and tellʼt Andro; and than Andro and Philip tellʼt Jesus.
23And Jesus answerʼt them, and quoʼ he, “The ʼoor is come for the Son oʼ Man to be glorifyʼt.
24“Truly, truly say I tʼye, gin a pickle oʼ wheat faʼna into the yirth and dee, it bides allenar; but gin it dee, it brings muckle increase.
25“Wha loʼes his life, sal tine his life; and wha hains‐na his life iʼ this warld sal hain it for Eternity!
26“Gin ony man wad serʼ me, lat him follow me; and whaur I bide, thar sal my servant bide; gin ony man serʼ me, my Father wull gie him honor.
27“And noo is my saul unco wanrestie; and what sal I say? Faither! save me frae this ʼoor! But eʼen for this cam I intil this ʼoor!
28“Faither, glorify thy name!” Than cam thar a sough oʼ a voice oot oʼ the lift, sayin, “I hae baith glorifyʼt it, and wull again glorify it!”
29Aʼ the folk, tharfor, that stude by, said it thunnerʼt. But ither some, that “An Angel spak to him!”
30Jesus answerʼt, and said to them, “This voice cam‐na for my sake, but for yours.
31“Noo is the #12:31 Johnʼs word is “krisis.” It isna sae mickle judgment (iʼ the sense oʼ pronouncin sentence) as decidin! It was noo to be seen whether Christ or Sautan soud prevail. We ken brawlie wha wan the day.turnin‐point for this warld: noo sal this warldʼs prince be cuisten oot!
32“And I, gin I be liftit up frae the yirth, wull wyle aʼ men to me!”
33This said he, meanin whatna kind oʼ death he wad dee.
34And aʼ the folk answerʼt him, “We hae heard oot oʼ the Law that the Anointit Ane bides for aye; and hoo say ye, ‘The Son oʼ Manʼs to be upliftit?’ Wha is this Son oʼ Man?”
35Than cryʼt Jesus to them, “Yet for a wee while is the licht wiʼ ye. Walk ye while ye hae the licht, that the mirk faʼ na on ye; for wha gangs iʼ the mirk kens‐na whaur he is gaun.
36“Whilst ye hae the licht, believe iʼ the licht; sae sal ye be bairns oʼ the licht!” Thir things spak Jesus, and gaʼed awa, and keepit his sel hidlins frae them.
37But eftir doin sae mony great warks amang them, yet believed‐they‐na on him;
38That the saying oʼ Esaiah the Prophet micht come gude whan he said, “Lord, wha has lippened to oor word? And by wham has Jehovahʼs airm been seen?”
39Tharfor, they didna believe, for that Esaiah said again,
40“Their eʼen are blindit, and their heart made hard; that they soudna see wiʼ their eʼen, nor understaun wiʼ their heart, and be turned, and I soud heal them!”
41Thir things quoʼ Esaiah whan he saw his glorie, and spak oʼ him.
42Nane‐the‐less, eʼen amang the Heigh‐priests, a hantle believed on him; but being fleyʼt oʼ the Pharisees, they didna own him, for fear they soud be putten oot oʼ the Kirk.
43For they loʼed to be roosʼd oʼ men mair nor to be commendit oʼ God.
44Jesus cryʼt, an quoʼ he, “Wha believes on me, believes na on me allenarlie, but on him wha sent me.
45“And wha looks on me, looks on him wha sent me.
46“I am come for a licht to the warld, that wha believes on me soud nae mair bide iʼ the mirk.
47“And gin ony man hear to my words, and winna keep them, I judge‐him‐na; for it wasna to judge the warld, but to save the warld that I cam.
48“Wha winna hear me, and winna hae my words, has ane to judge him: the word I hae gien oot, that sal condemn him iʼ the Last Day.
49“For I haena spoken by mysel; but the Faither wha sent me, he gied it to me, what I soud gie oot, and what I should speak.
50“And I ken his commaun is Life‐for‐Aye: that whilk I speak, tharfor, eʼen as the Faither has said to me, sae I speak.”
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John 12: SCO1904

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Translated by Rev William Wye Smith. Published in Paisley, Scotland in 1904.