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Bloom and Grow: 7 Devotions for Gardeners at HeartПример

Bloom and Grow: 7 Devotions for Gardeners at Heart

День 3 из 7

Uniquely Made to Flourish

As the early-spring landscape bursts with new life, it’s easy to forget just how dreary the natural world looked in winter. You tried to explain to holiday guests the beauty hidden beneath the frost in your landscape, but—let’s be honest—it’s so hard to imagine the glorious life that will burgeon when spring arrives. Despite our vivid imaginations, we tend to believe what we can see, hear, and touch.

It’s not so different with ourselves. We underestimate God’s work in our life and our inner growth without tangible “evidence.” We might not recognize the unique blueprint by which he created us. We already reflect his character and love for others regardless of our estimation of ourselves, our work, our Christlikeness, our altruism, or anything else. We already steward people and creation, whether we’re cognizant of it or not.

Like the plants in our gardens reawakening, all living things thrive when their unique blueprint is honored. We can honor our own and other people’s blueprint and that of everything in nature that’s ours to tend. Set your heart to acknowledge your unique, God-designed identity and your impact on this world’s thriving. Your passions and joy will follow, and you’ll see more clearly how he’s uniquely prepared you to be his steward. God takes seriously your stewardship of self, others, and creation—and so should you. When it’s hard to see your influence, take a cue from nature: the flourishing will come in his timing.

Your favorite plant (or tree) has particular requirements. Have you seen it languish when those aren’t met?

Jesus, I’m humbled and challenged by the way you spent yourself on our behalf. I set my intention to lean on you for my needs and to be of service to support others’ needs. Amen.

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